Your Trusted Pediatric Dentist in North Myrtle Beach

When you think of pediatric dentistry, you likely think of general dentistry but scaled down to size. But, in reality, kids have unique needs and requirements when it comes to dental care.

At Beachside Smiles, we strive to create a fun, comfortable atmosphere for our littlest patients. Introducing toddlers to regular dental visits at a young age helps them understand that, yes, dentistry is strange and different, but there is nothing really to fear! Also, many kids delight in learning about the unique instruments and processes used by our team!

The point of your child attending the dentist the first few times is to ensure their teeth are coming in properly and to acquaint them with the process. After all, normalizing dental visits at an early age helps build the foundation for a lifetime of solid oral health.

For pediatric dentistry, call us today to get started! Beachside Smiles is your go-to pediatric dentist in North Myrtle Beach, dedicated to providing exceptional dental care for children.

When should I schedule my child’s first Dental Appointment?

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends parents should schedule their child’s first dental appointment before 12 months of age, or within six months of the eruption of the first tooth. At 24 months they should be regularly visiting with the dentist, typically every six months or as needed.

Pediatric Dentistry in North Myrtle Beach, SC - Beachside Smiles

What to Expect with Pediatric Care

All pediatric dentistry treatments are customized based on the needs of the child. When your child first visits our practice, and at regular intervals, we will perform the following assessments and treatments:


Digital X-rays (when necessary)


Fluoride assessment


Cleaning and removal of plaque and tartar


Set a treatment plan and establish an at-home dental care regimen

Pediatric Dentistry in North Myrtle Beach, SC - Beachside Smiles

Are Dental Sealants effective?

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, applying dental sealants can help prevent the formation of up to 80% of cavities. Therefore, if your child is cavity-prone, we will most likely recommend the use of dental sealants.

Typically, dental sealants are applied to teeth with deep grooves, such as the back molars. A secondary benefit of dental sealants is that they create a smooth surface on the tooth, making it easier to brush away dental plaques.

Schedule Your Child’s Appointment

The team at Beachside Smiles looks forward to meeting you and your little one and helping them establish a lifetime of healthy teeth and big smiles! Call us today to learn more about our pediatric dentistry program and to schedule an appointment with your North Myrtle Beach pediatric dentist at Beachside Smiles today.
Schedule Appointment

Digital X-Rays

The world has gone digital and so have your dental X-rays. Beachside Smiles uses digital X-rays as they expose patients to much less radiation while giving us nearly instantaneous insights into your oral health. The imaging data is also more detailed, allowing us detect abnormalities such as gum disease, cysts, and cavities.

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Digital X-Rays

The world has gone digital and so have your dental X-rays. Beachside Smiles uses digital X-rays as they expose patients to much less radiation while giving us nearly instantaneous insights into your oral health. The imaging data is also more detailed, allowing us detect abnormalities such as gum disease, cysts, and cavities.

Dental appointment