Your Expert Cosmetic Dentist in North Myrtle Beach

Are stained, chipped, crooked, or gapped teeth making you self-conscious about your smile? Dr. Riesenberg and the team at Beachside Smiles can help you achieve your ideal smile – even if you are currently missing teeth!

As your family and cosmetic dentist in North Myrtle Beach, we offer a range of cosmetic dentistry services. These include teeth whitening, veneers, dental crowns, bonding, and dental implants. For a consultation to discuss your smile, call Beachside Smiles today!

Professional Teeth Whitening

With chairside professional teeth whitening treatments, Beachside Smiles can help you get your teeth up to 12 shades whiter in just one session.

If you’re like many of our patients, you’ve likely had limited success with over-the-counter tooth whitening strips. The thing is, these are largely only effective on surface stains, which are typically removed with regular checkups and cleanings anyway.

Professional Teeth Whitening in North Myrtle Beach, SC - Beachside Smiles
Porcelain Veneers in North Myrtle Beach, SC - Beachside Smiles

Get that “Hollywood Smile” with Porcelain Veneers

Chips, stains, misshapen teeth, and noticeable craze lines can all negatively affect the appearance of your smile. Fortunately, these cosmetic conditions can be successfully treated with porcelain veneers.

Veneers are ultra-thin shells of medical-grade ceramic porcelain that are cemented to the outward-facing sides of the teeth in order to correct cosmetic flaws. Patients love veneers because they can provide a dramatic smile transformation in just a few visits.

Before considering porcelain veneers, it’s important to remember that this procedure permanently alters the enamel of the teeth and may require a replacement after roughly 15 years or sooner.

In addition to porcelain veneers, we also offer E-max veneers and dental bonding.

Dental Bonding: an Economical Way to Correct Imperfections

Chipped a tooth and need a quick fix? If porcelain veneers are outside your budget, dental bonding is another option. With dental bonding, a composite resin material is layered onto the tooth to achieve the desired result. Most bonding procedures can be completed within an hour.

Since dental bonding does not have the longevity of porcelain veneers, many patients settle for bonding while they save up to $150 per tooth, which is a fraction of what you would expect to pay for a porcelain veneer.

The downside of bonding is that it doesn’t have the same opalescent luster of porcelain veneers, but many patients report they can hardly tell the difference.

Dental Bonding in North Myrtle Beach, SC - Beachside Smiles
Dental Crowns in North Myrtle Beach, SC - Beachside Smiles

Dental Crowns

While dental crowns are typically used to restore the structural strength of tooth enamel, they are also useful in correcting cosmetic imperfections. If you are unhappy with a tooth that is misshapen or irreversibly stained, a porcelain, zirconia, or E-max crown might be the right treatment option for you.

Put the Confidence Back in Your Smile!

Ready to smile again without feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth? Call Beachside Smiles for a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. Riesenberg and our North Myrtle Beach team. We can recommend treatments based on your budget and smile goals.

Dental Bridges in North Myrtle Beach, SC - Beachside Smiles

Let’s Achieve Your Dream Smile

Let them wonder whether you have great genes or a great cosmetic dentist – schedule a smile consultation with the team at Beachside Smiles today!
Contact us

Put the confidence back in your smile!

Ready to smile again without feeling self-conscious about the appearance of your teeth? Call Beachside Smiles for a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. Riesenberg and our North Myrtle Beach team. We can recommend treatments based on your budget and smile goals.

Cosmetic Dentistry in North Myrtle Beach, SC - Beachside Smiles

Digital X-Rays

The world has gone digital and so have your dental X-rays. Beachside Smiles uses digital X-rays as they expose patients to much less radiation while giving us nearly instantaneous insights into your oral health. The imaging data is also more detailed, allowing us detect abnormalities such as gum disease, cysts, and cavities.

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Digital X-Rays

The world has gone digital and so have your dental X-rays. Beachside Smiles uses digital X-rays as they expose patients to much less radiation while giving us nearly instantaneous insights into your oral health. The imaging data is also more detailed, allowing us detect abnormalities such as gum disease, cysts, and cavities.

Dental appointment